
Easily sell train tickets
through our CFL API

In just a few lines of code, Lyko allows you to easily integrate the search and reservation of trains in Luxembourg on your platform, without any redirection to the CFL website or apps. Take advantage of simplified access to the distribution systems of the Belgian company, as well as thousands of other mobility providers, all through a single integration!


Connect easily
to CFL distribution systems

Despite the creation of, this open data portal currently only offers limited access to five datasets related to passenger information of the Luxembourg railway company. Lyko has addressed this issue by providing a hundred open APIs, offering the possibility to effortlessly integrate the planning and reservation of CFL train journeys.



Integrate on your platform
CFL E-Ticket purchases

Regional Express, InterCity, TGV… Expand your horizons and diversify your revenue sources by integrating train reservations of the National Society of Luxembourg Railways on your platform. From Luxembourg to France, Germany, and Belgium, use Lyko’s Train API to expand your coverage and clientele by simultaneously connecting to nearly a dozen railway companies in Europe.


Take advantage of every sale
to maximize your profits

Benefit from our recognized technological know-how in the distribution of mobility services without deep-link, thus ensuring a regular source of income. With our advantageous commission sharing model, each CFL train ticket purchase gives you access to additional compensation, calculated based on a percentage of the generated revenue.



Offer your users
infinite possibilities

CFL train route calculation, lists of served Luxembourgish stations, location of nearby stations, regional line timetable grids… Exploit the power of our algorithms combined with the reliability of our CFL API to guide your clients serenely and simplify the planning of their getaways across Luxembourg and to other major European cities.


Develop and launch effortlessly,
thanks to our intuitive tools

Reduce the workload of your developer teams with our detailed CFL API documentation, available in French and English. For you, we have anticipated all the technical specifics related to the integration of data flows and inventory of the Luxembourg railway company. Moreover, to guarantee agile and instant deployment, we also provide you with a dashboard, allowing you to activate any operator with a simple click.



Value a simple and
totally smooth experience

From searching for the ideal journey to payment, including reservation modification or adding the Monatsstreckenabo subscription, offer your clients a seamless and hitch-free journey. Lyko’s CFL API ensures an ultra-fast response time, guaranteeing an exceptional experience, fully customizable and adjustable to your UX.


Lyko, more than just
single access to CFL API…

In addition to CFL train tickets, Lyko’s APIs provide access to sales from thousands of private and public mobility providers around the world. With a single integration, extend your offer to also include long-distance bus ticket reservations, vehicle rentals, and booking of ride-hailing or taxis services… The unique opportunity to significantly maximize your revenues, without spending an extra euro.


Discover how to cover all your mobility needs, without effort

Discover how to take advantage of our APIs, tailored to your industry

Join our thousands of partners to maximize your revenues

All you need to ensure the success of your multimodal offer

Discover more about Lyko, our team and our latest successes  


Sell thousands of mobility services, without any limit


Plan door-to-door routes, on a local and international scale

Ensure a payment experience, without any friction


Unleash the full potential
of your multimodal platform


Control while reducing the workload of your developers 


For cities, public
 transport authorities and networks


For mobility players
and car manufacturers


For all those involved in the travel, hotel and leisure industries


For emerging super-applications all around the world


For insurers specializing in personal repatriation 


Everything you need to quickly integrate our APIs

The listing of all answers to our customers’ questions


All the success keys of your multimodal application 


Valuable comparative analyses of MaaS and MaaF solutions

Discover our customers’ Success Stories and their concrete results


Contact our team for a free demonstration

Talk to our team to maximize your long-term revenues 


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Join us in revolutionizing tomorrow’s mobility 

The first engaged and participative media dedicated to mobility 


Vendez des milliers de services de mobilité sans aucune limite


Planifiez des trajets de 
porte-à-porte, à toute échelle 

Assurez une expérience de paiement sans couture


Libérez tout le potentiel de votre offre multimodale


Gardez le total contrôle, sans solliciter vos développeurs

Découvrez comment couvrir tous
les besoins de mobilité, sans effort 

Découvrez comment tirer parti de 
nos APIs, en fonction de votre secteur

Rejoignez nos milliers de partenaires
afin de maximiser vos revenus

Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour assurer le succès de votre offre multimodale

Découvrez en plus sur Lyko, notre équipe et nos derniers succès  


À destination des villes et des autorités de transports publics


À destination des acteurs de la mobilité et des constructeurs automobiles


À destination des acteurs 
du voyage, de l’hôtellerie 
et du tourisme loisir


À destination des super-applications émergentes dans le monde


À destination des assureurs spécialisés dans le rapatriement de personnes


Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour intégrer rapidement nos APIs


La marche à suivre pour garantir le succès de votre application multimodale 

De précieuses analyses comparatives de solutions MaaS et MaaF 

Découvrez les Success Stories de nos clients et leurs résultats concrets

Des échanges en live sur la multimodalité avec nos experts


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Échangez avec notre équipe afin de maximiser vos revenus à long terme


Retrouvez l’ensemble de nos derniers articles et communiqués de presse 

Rejoignez-nous pour révolutionner ensemble la mobilité de demain

Le tout premier média engagé et participatif, dédié à la mobilité